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Steelstown Primary School, Derry

Message for our Primary 4 boys and girls

5th Jun 2020

Dear boys and girls of Primary 4,

Most of you would be making your First Holy Communion on Saturday 6th June were it not for the restrictions in place due to Covid 19. I can only imagine how disappointed you must feel but this has happened to keep everyone safe.

First Holy Communion is such a special and joyous day to behold. I am sure your mums and dads, older brothers and sisters and grandparents have told you how special it is and a day you never ever will forget.

However remember this disappointment like all things will pass and you know that we will celebrate your First Holy Communion day on a later date when Bishop McKeown, Fr McDevitt and our wonderful parish team know it is safe to do so.

I wish you a special day even though it will not be your First Communion day. We have made a special video for you all. It will be put up on our web-site on Saturday morning. Fr McDevitt is offering mass up for your special intentions at 12 noon on Saturday via Our lady of Lourdes Church webcam.I hope you can log onto to watch it. 

We look forward to seeing you all again when school is reopened and celebrating your First Holy Communion at a later and safer date.

Stay safe. You are always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. God bless. 

Mrs Gillen