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Steelstown Primary School, Derry

Message from Fr Paul

21st Apr 2020

Fr Paul has recorded a message for the children at this time. It is available at the following link

and I would be grateful if you could share it with them through your channels of communication. It’s an encouragement for them to stay close to Jesus and talk to him at this time and not to worry. This is the prayer that Fr Paul says with the Icon of the Face of Jesus.


Prayer with the Face of Jesus

Say the following prayer knowing that Jesus is with you always.

Jesus be with me, Jesus be within me, Jesus be behind me, Jesus be before me,
Jesus be beside me, Jesus comfort and restore me,
Jesus be beneath me, Jesus be above me, Jesus be in quiet, Jesus be in danger,
Jesus be in hearts of all who love me, Jesus be in mouth of friend and stranger

God bless