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Steelstown Primary School, Derry

Parenting Week

13th Oct 2023

"The Positivity of Parenting" is about acknowledging the positive impact parents have on their children's lives, fostering love, support, and growth. It encourages parents and communities to celebrate the strengths, resilience, and dedication of parents, as the backbone of families and communities. The theme acknowledges that while parenting can be challenging, it also emphasises the joy, fulfilment, and meaningful experiences that come with raising a child.

To support Parenting Week and the theme of The Positivity of Parenting we are encouraging Parents to come along to our positivitea, which we will be hosted by our Canteen, on Friday the 20th of October from 9.15 am. Pop in for a chat with other parents and a cup of tea๐Ÿ˜Š