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Steelstown Primary School, Derry


 Our Eco-Code is : DON'T BE MEAN - GO GREEN!

The Eco-Committee representative is made up from the P3 – P7 classes. These Children attend regular Eco-Meetings to discuss important environmental issues affecting our school. The Eco-Reps then inform their class about the meetings and they bring any suggestions from their class to the next meeting to ensure everyone has a voice. The P.7 reps make sure the nursery, P and P2 children are included in the process.

At the beginning of the year we carried out an Environmental review and from this we drew up our action plan highlighting our aims for this year.

The main aims aims for 2018/19 are:

  • To increase the number of children who walk/cycle to school.
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle
  • To decrease our schools paper waste

The Eco-Committee are responsible for all the paper recycling in the classrooms and throughout the school. They empty the blue bins twice weekly.

The Eco-Committee also take care of the school grounds and they litter pick daily.

We are very proud to have achieved Green Flag Status.



News & Photos

10th May 2024
The children in Mrs O'Neill's class were learning all about the life cycle of a frog...
27th Mar 2024
Some of our P2 children enjoyed planting out our seedlings in the greenhouse. They...


25th Apr 2018

Eco Action Plan

ECO Committee

25th Apr 2018

Minutes of meetings

Eco Club Members


ECO Code

ECO Code Poster