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Steelstown Primary School, Derry

It is the aim of Steelstown Primary School to create a caring environment, where children feel safe and secure and know that they are valued as individuals. Staff aim to educate pupils to their full potential within a broad and balanced curriculum and are deeply committed to providing the highest standard of teaching and learning experiences both in and outside of school for the holistic development of all children. 

Children are encouraged to feel good about themselves, to have high self-esteem and to develop the skills and attitudes that will enable them to succeed in life as well as in school.Steelstown P.S. has been innovative and visionary in planning and providing resources and facilities to ensure that every child receives the best education in every aspect.

Throughout the school year, the teachers, Vice Principal and I are available to meet with you at mutually convenient times to discuss the academic progress and welfare of your child.

I wish your child every happiness and success in the years ahead in Steelstown Primary School.

Mrs C Doorish

Latest News

28th Jun 2024
Our final Newsletter for this term!
28th Jun 2024
Well done to Primary 4A for all their hard work this year. We celebrated the children’s...
27th Jun 2024
A big congratulations to our boys and girls at Steelstown Nursery Unit! You have...
27th Jun 2024
Thank you to Noah and the University of Ulster for all the support and expertise...
25th Jun 2024
George Murphy entertained all the pupils on Tuesday. He had us singing and dancing....
25th Jun 2024
A huge thank you to Mrs Kelly and Éire for visiting our Primary 4 classes...

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