November Monthly Memo

Digital Admissions

A new portal for parents to apply online for a place, including the listing of preferences.
Parents will have the opportunity to amend their submitted application until the closing date. This replaces the current paper based application form. More information to follow on December 14th. The new system will not go live until January 2019.
Halloween Disco 2018

Steelstown celebrated Halloween in fashion with our Halloween Disco. The children loved the disco and had great fun dressing up. Check out the photo's on out school website.
Attendance Stars November 2018

Congratulations to Mrs O'Kane's P3 class who had best overall attendance for the month of October with 96%. Two P3 children from Mrs O'Kane's represented the class at the school assembly and accepted the award. Well done! keep up the good work.
Mayor for a Day

Well done to Matthew who won the Mayor for the day competition and got invited to an evening in the Mayors Parlour in the Guildhall. Check out the Photographs.
Dates for your Diary

20th November 2018
Minecraft Event St Joseph’s Boys School
YES Programme in Shantallow Community Centre - P6 Classes
23rd November 2018
Assembly and Wall of Fame - Mrs Devine's Class
6th December 2018
Christmas Fair & Santa 5:00 - 8pm
P7 Mrs Murray's Class Music Workshop in Northside
7th December 2018
Clubs finish today
Choir Sing at Foyleside
Year 2 Mrs O'Neill Assembly
8th December 2018
Choir sing 11am Methodist Church ,Carlisle Road
10th December 2018
Christmas Show at 7pm
11th December 2018
Christmas afternoon Show P4
12th December
Christmas Dinner Canteen
13th December 2018
Nursery Children visit P1 Nativity
P7 Mrs Doorish's class music workshop in Northside
10-10.30 Choir sing in Greenhaw Lodge
14th December 2018
P1 Nativity at 1:15pm
Nursery Nativity 12:00 noon
P7 Mrs Murray's Class visit Nursery
18th December 2018
Primary 7 Tableau in Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Christmas Carol Service (11:00am)
19th December 2018
Pantomime P3 Classes visit Millennium Forum for Peter Pan
Little Theatre Panto Group : P2,5,6 and 7
21st December 2018
Christmas Holidays begin at 12:30pm
9th April 2019
Confirmation by Bishop McKeown Primary 7
Road of Hope

A massive thank you to all parents/guardians and pupils of Steelstown Primary School who donated shoeboxes for the Road of Hope programme this year. Check out the photograph.
Sustrans Cycle Programme

Sustrans continue with the cycle safety programme in November and our children had a great cycle and safety talk throughout Monday 12th November to Wednesday 14th November.
Eco Club

The Eco-Committee representative is made up from the P3 – P7 classes. These Children attend regular Eco-Meetings to discuss important environmental issues affecting our school. The Eco-Reps then inform their class about the meetings and they bring any suggestions from their class to the next meeting to ensure everyone has a voice. The P.7 reps make sure the nursery, P and P2 children are included in the process.
At the beginning of the year we carried out an Environmental review and from this we drew up our action plan highlighting our aims for this year.
The main aims aims for 2018/19 are:
- To increase the number of children who walk/cycle to school.
- To promote a healthy lifestyle
- To decrease our schools paper waste
The Eco-Committee are responsible for all the paper recycling in the classrooms and throughout the school. They empty the blue bins twice weekly.
The Eco-Committee also take care of the school grounds and they litter pick daily.
We are very proud to have achieved Green Flag Status.
Accelerated Reader of the Month
Pupil of the Month
Mathlete of the Month
Steelstown Primary School & Nursery Unit, 40 Steelstown Road, Shantallow, Derry BT48 8EX Phone: 028 7135 1830