Steelstown P.S. & Nursery Unit January 2019 Newsletter
We wish all our children and families every happiness and success in 2019.
Dates for your Diary

Dates for your Diary
Friday 18th January – P1 Mrs McColgan’s Class Assembly + Prizegiving
Monday 21st January – Wednesday 30th January – Mrs Gillen meets with P7 parents re: Transfer
Tuesday 22nd January – Dental Hygienist visits Steelstown P.S.
Wednesday 23rd January – Families Connect Coffee Morning @ 09:15am
Friday 25th January – Netball Tournament – St Mary’s College
Sunday 27th January – Marty’s Cup Football Competition
P6 Parent class begins at 7pm
Thursday 31st January – P1 & Nursery Applications Closing Date
Friday 1st February – Grandparents Day @ 10am All Welcome.
After Mass, you are invited back to the school for tea and refreshments and a visit to your grandchilds classroom.
3 – 4pm P5, P6, P7 – Children are invited to Ulster Orchestra rehearsel concert in Shantallow Community Centre. Children can be collected at 4pm from the centre.
Monday 4th February – School Photograph’s will be taken – Individual & Families
Credit Union Quiz
Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd – Mid Term Break Holiday
Tuesday 9th April – Confirmation
Remember to log onto website and access news, newsletters and calendar updates on events and successes in our school.
Attendance Awards Term 1

Congratulations to the Term 1 Attendance Winners. Click the Read More button to check out who won

Forename | Surname | Class | Forename | Surname | Class | |
Christopher | Sheerin | N | Shannon | Doherty | 5A | |
Gary | Thompson | N | Alex | Downey | 5A | |
Charley | Carr | 1A | Ethan | Hamilton | 5A | |
Cohan | Curley | 1A | Sophie | Harkin | 5A | |
Emily | Curley | 1A | James | Kehoe | 5A | |
Anna | Duffy | 1A | Ava | Moore | 5A | |
Beth | O'Doherty | 1A | Aimee | Carr | 5B | |
Zara | Williamson | 1A | Ella | Doran | 5B | |
Ayden | Gallagher | 1B | Natalie | McClelland | 5B | |
Taylor | Higgins | 1B | Lucas | McCloskey | 5B | |
Tosin | Kolawole | 1B | Matthew | O'Doherty | 5B | |
Rebecca | Lynch | 1B | Aaliyah | Pennells | 5B | |
Olivia | Sheehan | 1B | James | Scarlett | 5B | |
Cathy | Boyle | 2A | Oisin | Bonner | 6A | |
Lily-Rose | Breslin | 2A | Connie | Gillespie | 6A | |
Caoimhin | Collett | 2A | Ronan | Harley | 6A | |
Ellie-May | Cullen | 2A | Kacey | McCaul | 6A | |
Ciara | Duffy | 2A | Kelsey | McLaughlin | 6A | |
Elsa | Kehoe | 2A | Cara | O'Neill | 6A | |
Riley | McAdams Ward | 2A | Niamh | Williamson | 6A | |
George | McCarron | 2A | Luke | Collett | 6B | |
Alex | Moore | 2A | Erin | Doherty | 6B | |
Allie | Carlin | 2B | Sophia | Gillen | 6B | |
Tilda | Crumlish | 2B | Tiernan | Kiely | 6B | |
Cahir | Hamilton | 2B | Oran | Lynch | 6B | |
Kayden | McAllister | 2B | Kayla | Mallett-Mclaughlin | 6B | |
Max | McLaughlin | 2B | Alex | McAllister | 6B | |
Hannah | O'Neill | 2B | Cadhan | Murray | 6B | |
Zoe | O'Sullivan | 2B | Caiden | Barr | 7A | |
Eimear | Scarlett | 2B | Ryan | Connolly | 7A | |
TammyLeigh | Deane | 3A | Montana | Crumlish | 7A | |
Lucy | Doran | 3A | Cora-Leigh | Harkin | 7A | |
James | Duffy | 3A | Nora | Harkin | 7A | |
Jack | Lynch | 3A | Taylor | Houston | 7A | |
Georgia | Meenan | 3A | Phoebe | Killeen | 7A | |
Cora | Baldrick | 3B | Lara | McCabe | 7A | |
Conchur | Dillon | 3B | Lauren | McCloskey | 7A | |
Layla | Harkin | 3B | Luke | Bonner | 7B | |
Enya | Taylor | 3B | Evelyn | Conlon | 7B | |
Leah | Wells | 3B | Cara | Corbett | 7B | |
Corran | Barr | 4A | Derry | Doherty | 7B | |
Sarah | Gray | 4A | Caiden | Dunne | 7B | |
Lucy | Harrigan | 4A | Kara | Johnston | 7B | |
Ruaidhri | Laverty | 4A | Shea | McCartney | 7B | |
Emily | McMonagle | 4A | Ellie-Mai | McColgan | 7B | |
Jake | Whoriskey | 4A | Holly | McLaughlin | 7B | |
Marion | Crumlish | 4B | Kirsten | Merrigan | 7B | |
Jasmine | Deane | 4B | Eimear | Taylor | 7B | |
Bella | Doherty | 5A |

If your child is absent, parents are expected to ring into school to explain reason for absence or use the Attendance App on our school’s website on the first morning of absence.
If your child is absent and we have no reason provided, the school’s administrative officer, Mr Crawley, will contact you for the reason for absence. This is in the interests of Child Protection and safeguarding the well-being of your child.
- Holidays are not to be taken during school time.
- If your child’s attendance falls below 85%, a letter will be issued home and the Education Welfare Officer looks at all attendances on a regular and monthly basis.
- We ask for your co-operation and support in trying to work together for the best interests of your child.
- School Attendance is a legal responsibility. If a child misses school, he/she misses out.
- Children with full attendance each month are congratulated and their name is put on Attendance Award Board. Class with best attendance receives Attendance Cup on a monthly basis.
We aim to provide each and every child with the highest standard of education to achieve his/her potential Attendance at school is essential to achieve this. Thank You for your support and co-operation.
After School Clubs


Please ensure your child wears full school uniform each day. Black shoes, navy trousers/skirt, red sweat shirt and yellow polo shirt. Steelstown always takes great pride in great presentation of our pupils.
Updated Policies

The Following Policies have been updated:
If you wish to receive a copy, please call or contact the school office.
- Learning and Teaching
- Assessment and Record Keeping
- Homework
- Marking and Marking Symbols
- Attendance
- Homework + Marking and Marking Symbols policy will be uploaded to the school website.
Road Safety Prize Winners

Congratulations to the Road Safety team on their success in the recent Derry + Strabane District Road Safety Quiz. They will now represent Derry & Strabane District in the Northern Ireland final in Belfast. The team members are as follows: Luke, Sarah, Phoebe and Luke. Well done.
Cross Country Winner & School Team

Congratulations to Luke Bonner on his success in the cross country competition. Luke will represent Steelstown in N.I final in Antrim. Well done also to the school team in their successes.
Christmas Nativities and Shows

Congratulations to our Nursery children and our primary 1,2,3 and 4 children who have brilliant performances at Christmas. You all did so well!
Thank you to our great audiences and to all staff for your hard work and dedication.
Intergenerational Programme

Steelstown P.S. are linking with Greenhaw Nursery Home in an intergenerational programme. This project will involve seasonal art work, games, dance, music etc.
Congratulations to the Christmas Card Design Winners

Well done to our Christmas card winners:
Ciara, Ciaran, Holly, Georgia, Hannah, Morgan, Kacey, Kiernan, Lily, Lily Mae, Niah, Jayden, Erin, Clodagh
Duathlon Success

Well done to our pupils who were very successful in the Duathlon event. They ventured out in the cold and participated successfully and enthusiastically.
Christmas Fundraising

Christmas Fair
Christmas Fair was a very successful event. Santa was impressed with all the visitors. The Crafts, draws and Rickety Wheel were a great success. Thank You for your generosity.
Christmas Jumper Day
Funds raised from Christmas jumper day on Thursday 20th December were £301. This will be used to buy playground resources.
Welcome to Miss McIntyre

Welcome to Miss N McIntyre who takes over for Mrs Devlin in the Primary 4B class. We wish Miss McIntyre every success at Steelstown P.S.
Eurospar Skeoge Support

Eurospar have kindly donated to Steelstown P.S. and we appreciate their sponsorship and generosity.
P6 Parent Programme

Mrs Gillen will deliver “How to support your child in primary 6/7" programme beginning Tuesday 29th January at 7pm. Everyone is very welcome.
Brian Ogs GAA Girls U10 Player of the Year

Congratulations to Nora Harkin who was awarded the Brian Ogs GAA Girls U10 Player of the Year Award.
Digital Admission Application Support

P1 & Nursery Admission support continues in Steelstown P.S.
for any parent who would like support with the online process.
Mrs Gillen can be contacted for support at other times also. Please like and share this post to notify other parents. Thank You
Friends of Steelstown

Tuesday 2nd April 2019 - Friends of Steelstown Meeting at 7pm
Liberty Consortium

Liberty Consortium’s Project Sparks trains musically-gifted disabled young people to meaningfully give back to their community by enabling them to teach music and dance to primary school children. The resilience and empathy that they have gained by overcoming their own barriers to learning, make them ideal pioneers that can contribute to children in a way that few other teachers can.
The young Leaders at Sparks had the privilege of teaching two classes from Steelstown Primary School in December. The school’s ethos of valuing each child’s individual strengths was evident in the pupils’ confidence and eagerness to fully participate. We look forward to further developing this exciting collaboration with Steelstown in the future. Thank you to Mr Eamonn McCarron and all the team for their fantastic support .Our Primary 7 children thoroughly enjoyed the drumming, dance and singing sessions.
Choir Performances

Choir preformed beautifully in Foyleside, Northside, Methodist Church, Greenhaw Manor and Culmore Manor. Well done to all choir members and to Miss O’Doherty, Mrs Devlin and Ms Logue.
Twitter & Facebook

You can log onto Facebook and Twitter to access Steelstown P.S. updates.
Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club – Monday to Friday – 08:15am – 09:00m
Come along and enjoy a healthy, delicious breakfast
Families Connect

Families Connect
Information Coffee Morning
Wednesday 23rd January 2019 in the Mobile Classrooms at 09:15am

After school swimming club for P3 – P7 children takes place in William Street Baths every Wednesday.
Beginners – 3:30 – 4:00pm
Improvers – 4:00 – 4:30pm
This is a great opportunity for your child to learn and develop this life skill. Instructors are highly qualified and this opportunity is well recommended.
Carlingford Meeting

Meeting for Primary 7 parents re Carlingford will be on Monday 1st April at 3.15pm
Governors' Report

Governors’ Report 2017 – 2018 is available on request from the school office. It gives updates on achievements, curriculum areas, staff development, finance etc.
Gardener Wanted

If you or a friend/relative can help with gardening in Steelstown P.S. please contact school office. Money is available for this project.
Steelstown Primary School & Nursery Unit, 40 Steelstown Road, Shantallow, Derry BT48 8EX Phone: 028 7135 1830