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Steelstown Primary School, Derry

Cycle To School Week

21st Sep 2023

🚲✅🔴🟡Cycle To school Week🟡🔴✅🚲 takes place from Monday 25th - Friday 29th September.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get your kids talking about cycling and its benefits.✅

So get those wheels out and start pedalling!🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

How many cyclists will we 📸snap📸 on their way to school?!

Click on the link below to watch the Sustrans ABC Bike Safety check:

The ‘Bikeability Trust’ are also giving you a chance of winning a new bike by simply signing the ‘Cycle Pledge.’ Click the link below for further details:

#Sustrans #SafetyFirst #ActiveTravel #BeSafeBeseen